




电影 2022 其它 其它 

Living with her father and stepmother in Naples, Anna is very unhappy as her stepmother hinders her attempts to live her own life. While her parents are away, she goes out with Carlo, but finds herself locked out when she comes home. This angers Carlo and he asks Anna to go away with him to Rome, where he plans to liquidate his business assets in order to have money for marriage. He quarrels with his partner and is implicated when his partner is found murdered. Although innocent, he is convicted and given a long sentence. Anna has a child and, finding it impossible to support her child , returns to Naples. The stepmother's conditions are that before she will agree to house the child, Anna must commit herself to a reformatory for unmarried mothers.

2019 中国大陆 
2024 中国大陆 
2013 中国大陆  英国  法国  中国香港  澳大利亚 
2020 中国大陆 
2020 中国大陆 
2019 中国大陆 
2022 中国大陆 
2018 中国大陆 
1995 中国大陆 
1958 中国大陆 
2020 中国大陆 
1998 中国大陆 
2021 中国大陆 
2019 中国大陆 
1961 美国 
2024 印度尼西亚 
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